
Pamodzi is a crowdfunding platform that aims to make it easier for entrepreneurs, innovators, and cr


contextFull Creation


The Project

Pamodzi is a crowdfunding platform that aims to make it easier for entrepreneurs, innovators, and creatives to access the capital they need to fund their ideas. The company was founded in 2023 after recognizing that access to capital was a major hurdle for many entrepreneurs, particularly those who lacked traditional networks or financial resources.

Analysis & Preparation


Leveraging the power of Cooperation

In this project as a web designer it was my responsibility to first understand the business needs of the company so that i don’t only design a beautiful Website but one that meets the business needs.

As a Full-stack developer i was responsibility for turning the mock-up design into a interactive User-Interface and create an optimized API to fetch data from the Backend. The result was Beautiful High-Performing Website.

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  • #1FBF9B

  • #1D232E

  • #D8EBF1

  • #F8FAFC

  • Playfair -Display

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    Playfair -Display Bold

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  • Inter

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    Inter Bold

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Lets Work Together

i love and enjoy working with teams helping build solutions to humanities most complex problems. if you would like us to build innovations for the future as a team? Do not hesitate, contact me already

Connect With Me

Phone: +260977862033


@2023 Jabulani Charinga All Rights Reserves